Sunshine Blogger Award!

A few days ago, I was nominated by My Vegan Dairy for the Sunshine Blogger Award! How fun! If you haven’t visited this blog, you should go over there if you are looking for yummy and beautiful vegan recipes. I love how simple and wholesome her recipes are. Seriously, they all look incredibly delicious!


It’s so much fun to receive an award from a fellow blogger. Blogging is great because it enables me to share my passion for food with the world, and I love getting messages and comments from people all over the world. I love the sense of community that blogging creates! It’s great to be recognized by other bloggers for the work that I do here. It’s the best feeling! Thank you for giving me this award!

I was really excited about this award because it’s part award, part tag. Here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the eleven questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate eleven blogs to receive the award and write them eleven new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or your blog.

Here are 11 blogs I think are making the internet a better place. They make my days better and I love reading their recipes, checking out their amazing pictures or travel stories. Go check them out! They are all equal in my mind, so don’t focus on the order:

Now, this is cool! Here are My Vegan Dairy’s questions and my answers!

  1. How do you generally relax or unwind? 
    • I love yoga! It’s relaxing, energizing and it gets my mind out of my head and back in my body for a “right here, right now” moment. If I’m feeling like a complete larva, I also like to cuddle up with some tea and a nice book.
  2. Your take on self motivation?
    • Self motivation is really important! I find that I never perform as well as when I’m truly intrinsically motivated to do something. If it doesn’t come from me, I won’t do a good job. So, the key to being motivated for me is to find something I like doing.
  3. Bake or Cook?
    • Both!
  4. In food, what best describes your weakness?
    • Frying stuff up. As a kid, my mom terrorized me with nightmarish stories about what would happen to me if I tried frying stuff on my own. Still can’t do it. That’s how you make your kid a healthy eater!
  5. Favorite author?
    • I’m completely obsessed with Kate Morton at the moment. I finished reading The Lake House this week, and I can’t get it out of my head. I love that her stories take part in England and are so mysterious. I really enjoyed The Forgotten Garden as well. It’s one of my favourite book.
  6. What in a daily routine bores you?
    • I don’t think I have a daily routine that bores me. I like to change things quite often even if it’s small things like switching shampoos or holding my toothbrush with the wrong hand. Variety is key to avoid boredom!
  7. What is the one thing you would want to do to make the world a better place?
    • To make the world a better place, I would ensure that every kid gets access to primary and secondary education. I think quality, non-confessional education is the key to building strong, confident and reasonable individuals that can then evolve to be assets in their communities. Education is the most important thing you can give a kid, and it should be a given that everyone has access to it. Having every kid in school would also end child labor and child marriage which are two issues that make me really sad and revolted.
  8. Do you have a sweet tooth?
    • That’s the only kind of teeth I have! My life would be so sad without chocolate!
  9. How important is your tea and coffee time to you?
    • Very important. Seriously, my tea collection is borderline pathological. I love to sit and drink a nice cup of tea. It gives me time to think, and it helps me stay focused if I’m working.
  10. On a rainy day, what would you ideally do?
    • Cuddle up in bed with a cup of tea and a good movie with my boyfriend, my cat and my knitting.
  11. Best vacation so far?
    • My one-month road trip I did a few years ago in France with my boyfriend. It was the best feeling to discover new places and to wake-up in a different place every day. I was amazed by the variety and richness of this country. And don’t get me started on the food.
  12. What is the one thing you would want to change in you?
    • I would love to be able to fly. Wouldn’t that be great?

Finally, here are my questions for the amazing blogs mentioned above.

  1. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
  2. What is one thing you can’t live without?
  3. What is your favourite herb or spice?
  4. What is one thing your are proud about?
  5. What is one thing you feel lucky about?
  6. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
  7. What would a perfect day be like for you?
  8. What is your best childhood memory?
  9. If you would visit any city in the world, which one would it be? Why?
  10. What is your favourite daily routine?
  11. Who is your role model? Why?

I can’t wait to hear your answers!

13 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award!

  1. Congratulations! Very well deserved. I’m glad your tea collection is bordering on pathological . .. we all need a little healthy wackiness in our lives.

    1. Ahaha! Thank you 🙂 Seriously, I stopped buying tea last Christmas and I still don’t see any difference in my tea collection while still drinking many cups each day…

  2. Firstly, congrats. on being picked for this award…you thoroughly deserve it and I think you blog is beautiful and inspiring! And thanks so much for passing it on to me, I feel very privileged. I shall have to dwell on your questions and I think it will test my wordpress tech. skills to the limit 🙂 … but what fun!

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