Simple Vegan Bolognese Pasta Sauce \\ Sauce Bolognese Végane

One of my favourite story featuring my amazing boyfriend is that he almost ate only Bolognese pasta when he visited Italy with his family as a kid. Needless to say, it’s one of his favourite things, and I have been experimenting with different pasta sauces that would measure up to the real thing. This isContinue reading “Simple Vegan Bolognese Pasta Sauce \\ Sauce Bolognese Végane”

Simple Pasta with Smoked Tofu, Perfect Lunch!

We usually bring lunches to work, and I know it can seem daunting to prepare extra food for the next day. To avoid this, I usually make sure I cook two extra portions that we can enjoy the next day. This recipe is perfect for this. It’s so simple and easy to make, it’s perfectContinue reading “Simple Pasta with Smoked Tofu, Perfect Lunch!”

Creamiest Curry Pasta Sauce

Cauliflowers are in season! This means they are super cheap right now and so delicious! I really wanted to make a creamy curry sauce for a while now, but I have been waiting for cauliflower to get super fresh. Now is the time. This sauce is the creamiest I have made so far, while stillContinue reading “Creamiest Curry Pasta Sauce”

Simple sweet potato gnocchi and lazy rosé sauce

Yesterday I realized that we had some beautiful potatoes that were starting to sprout in your pantry. It was time I took action and transform these beauties in something good! I wanted to try out something new, and so I went for gnocchi. I don’t have any experience in eating or making gnocchi but, afterContinue reading “Simple sweet potato gnocchi and lazy rosé sauce”

Basil One Pot Pasta

It’s been very warm in Montreal these last few days, and so we have been eating salads after salads. Tonight though, I wanted something else. I thought I would try out the one-pot pasta that has been everywhere. This was perfect: one pot, delicious flavours and only one skill required: dumping. That’s my kind ofContinue reading “Basil One Pot Pasta”

Kale-Parsley Pesto

I love pesto. If I could, I would eat basil pesto every day: the flavour is so fresh! However, until summer gets here and we get to grow it, basil is too much for our budget (especially if had every day). So, I turn to the next best thing: parsley! This pesto is super green,Continue reading “Kale-Parsley Pesto”

Easy Jicama Pasta

I really like jicama! It is great raw in salads: crunchy and fresh, it really adds a lot of texture to any salad. Guess what? It’s also great cooked! Paired up with asparagus and pasta, it creates a very easy and fresh recipe for spring, while still being filling and deliciously flavourful! Cooked jicama hasContinue reading “Easy Jicama Pasta”