Simple Pumpkin Cookies!

Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin! It seems to be everywhere these days, and for good reasons! It’s seasonal, comforting and so versatile. We’ve been having some pumpkin soup every week for a while now, and I don’t get tired of how smooth, sweet and nutritious it is. If you know anything about me, however, you know thatContinue reading “Simple Pumpkin Cookies!”

Simple and Fresh Pesto

I love basil! And this year is the first year we actually have happy basil plants. It can only mean one thing: PESTO TIME! View this post on Instagram Thinking about the amazing pasta I had yesterday as I’m on the spin bike! Delicious pesto made from basil and garlic right out of our garden:Continue reading “Simple and Fresh Pesto”

I’ve been away juicing!

For the last couple of months, I’ve had a lot of trouble finding foods that made me feel good and energized. Either the food I craved was too heavy and would make me fall asleep (I took a lot of naps!) feeling like a giant slug, or it was not nourishing enough and would leaveContinue reading “I’ve been away juicing!”

Protein cookies: these are addictive!

My gym stocks Complete Cookies by Lenny and Larry … and these cookies are addictive! I mean, you train really hard and then you get to stuff your face with these delicious cookies. It’s a bit counterproductive, but they are hard to resist! Anyways, when I realized they were not particularly good for you (lotsContinue reading “Protein cookies: these are addictive!”

Herbal Teas Everyone Should Have!

Ah! It’s Fall! How glorious is that? I’m so ready for some colder temperatures, if only because it means I can cozy up with some warm tea in bed with a good book. If you know me, you will know that I’ve been on a tea-buying ban for two years now because my tea collectionContinue reading “Herbal Teas Everyone Should Have!”

Turmeric paste: where were you before?!?

I love golden milk or turmeric lattes, and I’m all for adding more turmeric and its anti-inflammatory goodness to my life. However, I have to admit that preparing this delicious drink from scratch every day is too much for me. I was about to give up, when I stumbled upon an instand drink I hadContinue reading “Turmeric paste: where were you before?!?”

Coconut yogurt: this time it worked!

I have been trying out different ways to make vegan yogurt, but so far all of my attempts have failed horribly. There is nothing fun about waking up to a weird and pungeant smell and realizing that it is the soy yogurt experiment that has gone wrong… really wrong! Last week however, I realized thatContinue reading “Coconut yogurt: this time it worked!”

Chocolate Cake Protein Balls \\\ Boule Protéinée au chocolat

(version française plus bas!) In the last few weeks, I have been tracking down how much protein I ate. I started including some protein powder to help me get enough each day, but I have to say that most of them taste like chalk. Well, once incorporated in this recipe, they make everything taste likeContinue reading “Chocolate Cake Protein Balls \\\ Boule Protéinée au chocolat”

Sweet Potato Tricks \\\ Trucs de Patates Douces

(version française plus bas!) Sweet potatoes are a staple in my kitchen, and I find myself putting some in everything I eat these days. That’s why I had to come up with some tricks to make sure that I always have some yummy sweet potatoes ready to be eaten. It’s probably the simplest part ofContinue reading “Sweet Potato Tricks \\\ Trucs de Patates Douces”