I’ve been away juicing!

For the last couple of months, I’ve had a lot of trouble finding foods that made me feel good and energized. Either the food I craved was too heavy and would make me fall asleep (I took a lot of naps!) feeling like a giant slug, or it was not nourishing enough and would leaveContinue reading “I’ve been away juicing!”

Herbal Teas Everyone Should Have!

Ah! It’s Fall! How glorious is that? I’m so ready for some colder temperatures, if only because it means I can cozy up with some warm tea in bed with a good book. If you know me, you will know that I’ve been on a tea-buying ban for two years now because my tea collectionContinue reading “Herbal Teas Everyone Should Have!”

Turmeric paste: where were you before?!?

I love golden milk or turmeric lattes, and I’m all for adding more turmeric and its anti-inflammatory goodness to my life. However, I have to admit that preparing this delicious drink from scratch every day is too much for me. I was about to give up, when I stumbled upon an instand drink I hadContinue reading “Turmeric paste: where were you before?!?”

Witch’s Brew: A comforting drink \\ Potion de sorcière: une boisson réconfortante

Because the cold is slowly setting in with Fall taking its place, I have been craving warm, comforting drinks. Of course, I love to snuggle up with a cup of tea, but sometimes, I feel fancy and decide to vamp it up a little bit. Tonight was one of those nights. Before I continue, IContinue reading “Witch’s Brew: A comforting drink \\ Potion de sorcière: une boisson réconfortante”

Relaxing Tea and workshop update!

Today was such an exciting day! If you follow me on Facebook, you have seen that I organized a workshop that happened tonight. I was really nervous that no one would show up, but 20 people came, and they were the best people I could have hoped for for my first vegan workshop. I seriouslyContinue reading “Relaxing Tea and workshop update!”

Hemp milk, straight and Indian style

Today was a stressful day for me. I had to head down to my new school board to see what teaching jobs were available after the people on the priority list had their choices. Ah! The joys of moving and changing school board… I wouldn’t say that everything I have done so far is outContinue reading “Hemp milk, straight and Indian style”

Mathilde, a Ladurée Tea

The last time we visited some family in France, I got the chance to raid a Ladurée store. Now, if ever you are going to Paris, I highly recommend visiting one of their uniquely cute pastry shops. Mind you, they don’t have a huge selection of vegan treats, but the feel of the store isContinue reading “Mathilde, a Ladurée Tea”

Turmeric Milk, a relaxing drink

A few years ago, I went through a back injury that has gotten better, but still makes me feel like an old lady every time the temperatures are changing. To soothe the inflammation that is causing my pain, I like to add turmeric to my food. I put this everywhere! I love the colour, itsContinue reading “Turmeric Milk, a relaxing drink”

Yorkshire Gold, a breakfast staple

I have mentioned before that I have slight tea addiction. Well, it’s not getting any better because I have discovered a new must for difficult mornings: Yorkshire Gold classic black tea. This is a very classic tea, and for a good reason! The taste is rich, deep and slightly bitter. No fruit, no flower, justContinue reading “Yorkshire Gold, a breakfast staple”

Cocktail Time: Pimm’s Cup!

I’m not a big fan of alcohol, and so my cocktail culture is very tiny. However, a few weeks ago I went for drinks with colleagues and discovered Pimm’s cups. Wow! So light and refreshing: they are clearly a perfect summer drink. Since spring is finally here, it is totally okay to kick-start the seasonContinue reading “Cocktail Time: Pimm’s Cup!”