Going sugar-free for 2 months

Last fall, I tried going sugar-free for 2 months. I had difficulties with my digestion, hormones and sleep. I decided to go on a sugar detox for 2 months to see if it could help me balance out whatever was going on on the inside. So for 2 months, I cut out refined sugars, dates,Continue reading “Going sugar-free for 2 months”

Herbal Teas Everyone Should Have!

Ah! It’s Fall! How glorious is that? I’m so ready for some colder temperatures, if only because it means I can cozy up with some warm tea in bed with a good book. If you know me, you will know that I’ve been on a tea-buying ban for two years now because my tea collectionContinue reading “Herbal Teas Everyone Should Have!”

Turmeric paste: where were you before?!?

I love golden milk or turmeric lattes, and I’m all for adding more turmeric and its anti-inflammatory goodness to my life. However, I have to admit that preparing this delicious drink from scratch every day is too much for me. I was about to give up, when I stumbled upon an instand drink I hadContinue reading “Turmeric paste: where were you before?!?”

Coconut yogurt: this time it worked!

I have been trying out different ways to make vegan yogurt, but so far all of my attempts have failed horribly. There is nothing fun about waking up to a weird and pungeant smell and realizing that it is the soy yogurt experiment that has gone wrong… really wrong! Last week however, I realized thatContinue reading “Coconut yogurt: this time it worked!”

Tips and tricks to be more green \\\ Petits trucs écolos

In the last few weeks months, I have been thinking a lot about my impact on the environment. It’s not easy staying positive when environmental groups predict the end of the world while it feels like politics look the other way. So, what is one to do? As I asked myself this question, I realizedContinue reading “Tips and tricks to be more green \\\ Petits trucs écolos”

What I’ve been eating for the last 2 months!

When I work on my blog, I like to experiment with new recipes, try out new products, invent new ways to eat ordinary foods. This worked for me for the last year or so. However, about two months ago, I started craving the same dish. Over and over again. So much in fact, that it’sContinue reading “What I’ve been eating for the last 2 months!”

Abstract: My new Netlfix obsession\\\ Abstract: Ma nouvelle obsession Netflix

(version française plus bas) A few days ago, Netflix launched a new show called Abstract: The Art of Design. It is taking me all my willpower not to binge watch all the episodes at once, so I thought I would share it with you in case you are wondering what to do this week. AbstractContinue reading “Abstract: My new Netlfix obsession\\\ Abstract: Ma nouvelle obsession Netflix”

Planning a fun date for Valentine’s Day \\\ Planifier une journée spéciale pour la Saint-Valentin

(version française plus bas!) Valentine’s Day is coming! Probably the cheesiest holiday in the year, it’s still a great excuse to treat yourself and to tell people you love that you love them. That’s great in my book. Because I’m in major saving mode since the New Year’s, my Valentine’s day budget is pretty muchContinue reading “Planning a fun date for Valentine’s Day \\\ Planifier une journée spéciale pour la Saint-Valentin”

Chocolate Cake Protein Balls \\\ Boule Protéinée au chocolat

(version française plus bas!) In the last few weeks, I have been tracking down how much protein I ate. I started including some protein powder to help me get enough each day, but I have to say that most of them taste like chalk. Well, once incorporated in this recipe, they make everything taste likeContinue reading “Chocolate Cake Protein Balls \\\ Boule Protéinée au chocolat”