Busy long weekend and Giveaway!

This weekend was a greatly busy and productive weekend. It started off with a great plant sale at the local plant store, which meant that we spent a lot of time gardening! We also had the urge to sand out patio and restain it. Lots of dust and sweat where involved.


We hurried along with a really fun hike leading to a great view that brought us back home to do some meal planning and cooking for the week.

Fiou! Busy, busy, busy! And sticky and dirty… which was actually a great excuse to test out Oneka‘s goldenseal and citrus body wash.  Now, you know I love Oneka shampoos. They are incredible! They make my hair soft and shiny, and they smell amazing. It also gave me an excuse to go visit my friend’s café in the very cute Frelighsburg village and to revisit the Oneka store. It’s so nice and beautifully decorated with wooden furniture and panels. Plus, I got to meet with Philippe and Stacy, the owners and founders of Oneka, and take a few pictures. How Fun!


See? Oneka products make people happy! Thank you Philippe and Stacy for your generosity and for creating such amazing products!


The body wash has the same fresh and fruity scent as the goldenseal and citrus shampoo. It felt really great after long days outside playing in the dirt or in dust. This body wash also leaves your skin feeling soft, clean and so wonderfully scented. It’s like having a trip inside the most incredible orange… not in a weird way! I love the fact that this body product is cruelty-free, made with local plants and is completely biodegradable. It’s also great because you can refill the bottles in many stores around Montreal. Great! Plus, it’s always a good idea and fun to support local entrepreneurs. Anyways, when I visited Oneka, they were kind enough to give me two bottles of this wonderful body wash: one for me, and one for one of you! If you want to participate in this giveaway, here is what you have to do:

  1. Like my facebook page;
  2. Follow me on Instagram;
  3. Comment bellow and tell me what’s your favourite outdoors activity;
  4. Live in Canada or in the U.S..

I’ll randomly choose the winner for this next Monday and contact them through a private message (make sure you can be reached) to send them this wonderful shower product. Good luck to everyone!

10 thoughts on “Busy long weekend and Giveaway!

  1. I a following on Facebook and Instagram. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening and also going on bike rides with my hubby.

      1. Hi Dee!
        Congrats you won! Actually, since you were two to participate and I had two bottles, well, you both won 🙂
        You can use the contact form to send me your address and I’ll mail you this amazing bottle of shower gel. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do!
        Happy Monday!

    1. Hey Izzie!
      You won! Actually, as you were two to participate and I had two bottles, well, you both won!
      Thank you so much for following me and for your kind comments, it’s super appreciated.
      You can use the contact form to send me your address and I’ll mail you this amazing shower gel. I really hope you’ll like it as much as I do!
      Happy Monday!

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