DIY Gift #3 Bath Bombs! \\\ Cadeau-Maison #3: Bombe pour le bain!

  (Version française plus bas!) To continue with the wellness gifts, I made some bath bombs for my family! My boyfriend really loves Lush bath bombs, and so I thought I would try and make him some. Well, they were fairly easy to make and a lot cheaper than buying them! I have to admit,Continue reading “DIY Gift #3 Bath Bombs! \\\ Cadeau-Maison #3: Bombe pour le bain!”

Oneka Shampoos, a product review

If you have been following me for a while, you know that my favourite place to go is probably Beat et Betterave in the beautiful Frelighsburg village. Well, my friends Eloise and Ludo are not the only ones to have taken this tiny village as their playground. Two doors away, you can find the OnekaContinue reading “Oneka Shampoos, a product review”